
Image result for the bahamas
During this research project I had many obstacles but one of the biggest was that I did not know what or how to start my project. There were too many amazing things to write about the country of the Bahamas. After I found the topic that I wanted to write my essay on I started doing my research which led me to another problem.  The topic I wanted to write on did not have enough information. Eventually, after searching the internet I finally did find a topic I was certain about and with enough information.

The topic I chose was the wealth of The Bahamas and the pros and cons of it. Tourism and Government are the heavy hitters on the reason for the Bahamas wealth. Tourism makes up about 60% of all incomes in the Bahamas and it also makes up about half of the jobs. Whereas the government doesn't tax and they also establish offshore banking which lures in wealthy people all over the world.
Image result for the bahamas

From this research, I learned many new things about the economy of the Bahamas. I had always thought that the Bahamas was a third world country. Instead, they are actually the third richest in the "New World." Also, it is the first country Christopher Columbus landed on his voyage to New World this country has many great amazing histories. I want to visit the islands of the Bahamas one day I just wouldn't know which one of the 700 islands would I go to.

This research has made me very curious about the other islands in the Bahamas. It has made me want to know more about all the islands of the Caribbean. So whenever I get some down time I am hoping I will be able to research and learn more about the other islands of the Caribbean. 


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